"In touching my life, the lives of four others were directly impacted. And the results will be felt for generations to come." Beth, Pacific Lifeline Graduate

"I am happy here [at Pacific Lifeline] because I am not scared and I am not crying." Melissa, age 5

"Look at me! Six months ago my four children and I were living in a motel room; now I have a job, a car, and a house! We are what you get out of [Pacific Lifeline], not like other organizations where you don't know where your money is going." Joyce, Pacific Lifeline Graduate

"[Pacific Lifeline] is my safe house" Jennifer, age 4 "God saved me . . . He turned me into the kind of parent I always wanted to be." Kathy, Pacific Lifeline Resident

"You made me go up. I was down, and now I am up . . . I'm getting on my own again and I won't fall again." Marci, Pacific Lifeline Graduate

"I don't have many friends . . . my friends are here." Janeen, Pacific Lifeline Graduate

"I've done more this year for myself, my kids, and my life than I have done in my whole life." Kathleen, Pacific Lifeline resident

"I now have hope for my son." Anita, Pacific Lifeline resident

"Look at my eye! I've had a bag under this eye for three years, and since I moved here [to Pacific Lifeline], it has gradually been going away. I think it was from stress, and I finally feel peace." Sheryl, Pacific Lifeline resident

When 5-year-old Donovan was asked how he got so cute, he replied, "Don't you know?! God drew me and Jesus painted me!"

"Guess what! I just got put on a year's lease here at my apartments! Nobody would trust me with that before. I'm so proud!" Martha, 2001 Graduate of Pacific Lifeline

"You gave me sanity when I was on the verge of insanity. You gave me strength when I was weak. You gave me a sense of family when I felt alone. You gave me courage when I was scared. You gave me a roof for my children when I could not give them one." Danielle, 2002 Graduate of Pacific Lifeline.