Seven families (7 women and 15 children) were served in 2007 in our residential program, and 27 families (27 women and 63 children) were served by our graduate program.Of the 2007 residents:· The women's average age was 30.· The children's average age was 4.· Of the children, 10 were boys and 5 were girls.· The families' ethnic make-up was 29% Caucasian, 14% Hispanic, 14% Latin American, 29% African American, and 14% Asian.· Families were referred by Option House, Hope Partners, Inland Valley Recovery Services, YMCA, Stepping Stones, Salvation Army.
Since opening in November 1995, 60 families have graduated from Pacific Lifeline and moved on to self-sufficiency, no longer needing shelter assistance and on their way to no longer needing welfare assistance.